The Assessment model handles graph feedback and scoring in EconPractice. To make feedback and scores in a graph, click Add Assessment in the top right. In the Graph dropdown, select the name of the graph you're making. You can add as many Assessment Rules as you want. The Name field expects values like: - line1label - line1slope - line1intercept Line 1 refers to the orange line, line 2 is the blue line, and line 3 is the red line. For intersection labels, use "intersectionLabel" as the Assessment's name to assess the main intersection label. If the graph has more than two lines, these names correspond to these intersection labels: - intersectionLabel: Orange-Blue intersection - intersection2Label: Blue-Red intersection - intersection3Label: Orange-Red intersection Here's how the dotted line labels correspond: - intersectionHorizLineLabel: Orange-Blue intersection horizontal - intersectionVertLineLabel: Orange-Blue intersection vertical - intersection2HorizLineLabel: Blue-Red intersection horizontal - intersection2VertLineLabel: Blue-Red intersection vertical - intersection3HorizLineLabel: Orange-Red intersection horizontal - intersection3VertLineLabel: Orange-Red intersection vertical The Value column is how you expect the user to modify this field. If it's a label field, just type in the correct label, e.g. \ "Demand". Spaces uppercase will be ignored during assessment. To assess a line movement, do something like 'line1intercept' with a value of 'up', 'down', or 'any'. To assess rotations, do \ 'line1slope' with a value of 'increase', 'decrease', or 'any'. Use the feedback_fulfilled and feedback_unfulfilled columns to give textual feedback to the users. The score column specifies how many points the user will receive for fulfilling this case